Saturday, April 26, 2008

We say, Happy Sunday Everbody!

Dear all,

Happy blessed sunday!
Have a nice day,
May God Bless U.

With Love'
Ciskus & Poppy

Friday, April 25, 2008


Jumat, 25 April 2008
Semakin hari semakin melunak,
Semakin hari semakin bisa diatur,
Saatnya, wanita pegang kendali,

Jadi, akhir-akhir ini, ciskus sangat mudah diajak berkompromi, dan sangat koorporatif, akibatnya memudahkan aku untuk take control.. huheueeuee... Banyak perubahan sikap dan banyak negosiasi yang terjadi, hhehehhee.. Contohnya seperti ini cuplikan dr ym :

Ciskus : Aku main dota ya
Poppy : Berapa lama? Kerjaan udah dibereskan?
Ciskus : udah, belum tau berapa lama...
Poppy : Jadi? besok hrs bangun jam brp dong? bukannya jam 10 harus udh pergi?
Ciskus : Iya, jam 10 pasti tepat waktu.
Poppy : Kalau telat? Ga boleh dota lagi ya..
Ciskus : Ya syg

Sabtu, 26 April 2008
Sebelum jam 10 sudah ada di tempat yang seharusnya, dan bahkan sudah lari pagi terlebih dahulu.. Hohohohoohoh...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Dota dan Pacar saya

Beginilah kira2 penampakan pacar saya, kl lagi bermain Dota.. Dan beginilah akibatnya kalau terlalu sering bermain Dota...
Orang-orang yang menghabiskan waktu terlalu banyak bermain video game, terutama game berunsur kekerasan memiliki resiko penurunan fungsi otak sehingga mempengaruhi sisi emosional mereka. Demikian disimpulkan dalam sebuah studi di Taiwan.

Puluhan anak muda ini diperiksa kondisi fisiknya untuk memonitor perubahan peredaran darah di otak. Pemeriksaan tersebut dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah tiap orang bermain video game selama 30 menit.

Hasilnya, studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa bermain game menyebabkan penurunan aliran darah di beberapa bagian otak seperti pada anterior cingulate gyrus yang mengatur tanggapan emosi internal seseorang. Kejadian ini bahkan diklaim lebih parah pada mereka yang bermain game kekerasan. Penderita gangguan jiwa seperti schizoprenia ataupun depresi, juga punya aliran darah yang rendah di anterior cingulate gyrus mereka. Jadi kesimpulannya, main video game bisa bikin gila.

Bersiap-siap, pacar saya menuju gangguan jiwa..

Love ya'

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Happy anniversary for both of us..

I Love You! These words sound so sweet and usually fall effortlessly from our lips. But, as we’ve been reminded this month, true LOVE is more about what we do than what we say. This Sunday we will conclude our series on LOVE by talking about one of the most elusive, misunderstood, and fabricated applications of LOVE

When relationships are new, we tend to express our love in dramatic ways - through cards, flowers, love letters and other romantic gestures. This is wonderful and is part of what makes a new romance so fun and exciting. But this romantic exuberance is difficult to maintain. The expressions of love, which were so common initially, dwindle with time as our lives and relationships grow increasingly complicated and we focus on more than just the one we love.

This isn't to say i love you any less. In fact for most, our love and commitment only deepens with time. But if this is true, why then don't we continue to flood you with expressions of our love? Perhaps we feel these things are no longer necessary - that i should know how you feel. Maybe as our lives become more complicated, we find it difficult to make time for such things. Or it just might be possible our expressions of love haven't really slowed, but rather have merely changed and become less obvious.

Love ya'

12/4, Walk Till Drop

You can read the story, by clik this link :

Love U'

11/4, Berbincang dan berbincang lagi

So many things have to discuss, but we try to figure out everything with this situation. And we try to lay down the ego , maintain the emotion. And it works baby, I love you more and more every day. It's the best 4 hours we spent ever even the situation is the worst ever.

Friday, April 11, 2008


April 2008

"They say if love becomes painful its time to let that love go and save urself but just keep this in mind: "if love is true, pain is never a Reason"

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